Thanks for your message!
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.
Some information for Midlands Masters Trails.
You can find further information via the links at the bottom of the page.
Masters Trial Dates for Mens Over 35s
For details please see below - for all other age groups please contact the age group lead -
The Mens Midlands Over 40s are looking for players...
Trials will be held at Hampton in Arden HC on Sunday March 23rd and Saturday 12th April.
This years tournament is taking place on the 7-8th June at Old Loughtonians,
Register your interest here.
Midlands Masters Mens O45s Traisl
Want to represent the Midlands O45s Masters?
This is an open invitation to all players from across the Midlands to trial for this years masters O45's squad.
Sunday 30th March 2025, 12 - 2pm
Trials: Thursday 10th April 2025, 7.15 - 9pm
Venue: Lichfield Hockey Club
Tournament dates - 14th & 15th June 2025 (Basingstoke)
To register for the trials please complete the form via the QR code. You will then be added to the trial WhatsApp group.
For more information or if you have any questions email Neal Critchley on
Men's O50s
Midlands O50’s trials will be:
Venue: Lichfield Hockey Club
Anyone interested should email Alex Watkins at with the following information:
Men's O70
Calling all goalkeepers, or aspiring goalkeepers!
The Midlands Mens Masters over 70s squad this year finds itself in the unusual position of not having a goalkeeper in their age group to play in the Area tournament in the summer.
If you are interested in playing for us as a goalkeeper or know of anyone who might then please contact the Mens O70s lead at to discuss – we would be eternally grateful!
If you used to play in goal but no longer do so then we would also be keen to hear from you, the request isn’t just open to current active players. The only requirements are that you must be 70 at some time this year, and either affiliated to a club that plays in the Midlands league, or if you don’t currently play club hockey then you must live in the Midlands area.
The area tournament this year is on the weekend of the 7th and 8th June, in Guildford.
Womens O35s
Trial dates are confirmed for 8/12, 26/1 and 2/3 at Wirksworth Leisure Centre.
Please contact the age group lead for further information - contact details for this age group, and all other age groups, can be found at
Women's O40s
Training / Trials - All at Hampton in Arden Hockey club
Sunday 16 February 2025 11.30-1.30pm, Sunday 16 March 2025 1.30-3.30pm, Sunday 27 April 2025 1-4pm
Area Tournament
Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th May 2025 at Timperley Hockey Club
For contact details please see
Womens O45s
Sunday 16 February 2025, 11.30am -1.30pm. Please ensure you are kitted up and ready to go for 11.30am
Venue - Hampton HC, Shadowbrook Lane, Hampton In Arden, B92 0DQ
Time - please arrive by 10.30am at the latest to register. We will be upstairs in the bar. Changing rooms will be available.
Cost - £10 per player. Payable by card/mobile
Kit - please bring a white and dark numbered shirt if possible.
Sunday 16 March 2025, 1.30pm - 3.30pm. Please ensure you are kitted up and ready to go for 1.30pm
Venue – Hampton HC, Shadowbrook Lane, Hampton In Arden, B92 0DQ
Time - please arrive by 12.30am at the latest to register. We will be in the clubhouse
Cost - £10 per player. Payable by card/mobile.
Kit - please bring a white and dark numbered shirt if possible.
After the 2nd trial on 16 March, we will be selecting the squad & therefore would appreciate you be available for the following to help us prepare
Squad training/practice game
Sunday 27 April - 1.00pm - 4.00pm
Venue – Hampton HC, Shadowbrook Lane, Hampton In Arden, B92 0DQ
Cost - £10 per player. Payable by card/mobile.
Kit - please bring a white and dark numbered shirt if possible.
The Area Tournament is on 14 and 15 June 2025 at Nottingham Hockey Centre. Match schedules will be distributed as soon as they are received
Womens O50s & O55s
Sunday 23rd February 2025, 11.30am-1.30pm. Hampton HC, Shadowbrook Lane, Hampton In Arden, B92 0DQ
Sunday 9th March 2025, 11.30am-1.30pm. Olton HC, Grange Road, Solihull, B91 1DA
Squad Training:
6th April - Training – Olton HC - Time TBC, 18th May - Training – Olton HC & Time TBC
Area Tournaments dates:
O50s - 28th & 29th June 2025 - Bowdon HC
055s - 31st May & 1st June 2025 - Ben Rhydding HC
Please see for contact details.
Womens O60s
Aged 60 to 64 (i.e. born 1961 to 1965) as at 31st December 2025.
Sun 16th March 2025, Sun 30th March 2025. Hampton in Arden HC, Times - 11.30-13.30
31st May - 1st June 2025 - Stourport Sports Club.
For contact details please see
Womens O65/O70s
Dates; 16th AND 30th March
Venue; Hampton-in-Arden HC, Shadowbrook Lane Hampton-in-Arden B92 0DQ
Registration 11am Trials/training 11.30 - 13.30
Area Tournament - 65s - Folkestone - 16th - 18th May inclusive (hotel booked)
Area Tournament - 70s - (7 aside) - Hampton-in-Arden - 8th May
Womens O65/70s
Dates; 16th AND 30th March
Venue; Hampton-in-Arden HC, Shadowbrook Lane Hampton-in-Arden B92 0DQ
Registration 11am Trials/training starts 1130 - 1330
Cost £10 per session
Area Tournament - 65s - Folkestone - 16th - 18th May inclusive (hotel booked)
Area Tournament - 70s - (7 aside) - Hampton-in-Arden - 8th May
You can find more information on the Midlands website:
Or on Facebook:
We will do our best to get back to you as soon as possible.